Dark Crawler is a simple turn-based dungeon game, where you have to collect enough stars to proceed to the next level, while avoiding enemies, trying to kill you. Beware! It's made in ASCII "graphics" with Q(uick)BASIC.
Release 1.3 features: better and larger levels, top score table and some UI improvements.
Requirements: DOSBOX or IBM PC/AT compatible computer, running MS-DOS @ 12 MHz with 640 kB RAM installed, VGA graphics adapter, PC speaker.
© 2017 - 2020 Eugene LastofAvari. Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 License for the source code. Read "README.TXT" for the details.
release 1.3 / Latest - ZIP, 73.3 KB | [Changelog]
release 1.2 - ZIP, 68.2 KB
release 1.1 - ZIP, 65.8 KB
release 1.0 - ZIP, 59.9 KB
public beta 1 - ZIP, 61.1 KB
public alpha 4 - ZIP, 56.9 KB
public alpha 3 - ZIP, 49.4 KB
public alpha 2 - ZIP, 47.5 KB
public alpha 1 - ZIP, 45.9 KB
Extras - ZIP, 47.33 MB. The code and project files for a few things I made in the old days, that were mentioned on my dev livestreams.